Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Welcome Young Biologists!

Animal Trading Card Project

Congratulations! You and your big buddy have been chosen as the newest members of our research team. Our research team is trying to figure out which animals lay eggs! We will be researching the following animals: amphibians, birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles.

You and your big buddy will choose a card. Each card relates to a animal group.
You and you big buddy will research a specific animal. You will use the information you find to make trading cards about the animals.

Look at the animals from the different groups: Tree frogs, Chickens, Crabs, Guppies, Slugs, Dolphins, Snakes, Toads, Ducks, Lobsters, Goldfish, Snails, Pigs, Turtles, Salamander, Robins, Crayfish, Trout, Grasshoppers, Horses, Lizards

Ctrl+Click the animals to go direct to the site or use one of the resources below-

Discovery for kids

Created By Ms. Gretchen Rowland 2008-02-17

Great things come in small packages

Great things come in small packages
Tiny Chicks