Wednesday, March 19, 2008

more gigantic!

We have been preparing for our trip to OMSI by looking at different dinosaurs. Plant eaters and meat eaters.

One book gave us a really great understanding of the size of dinosaurs, GIGANTIC! by Patrick O'Brien.

This book compares the size of dinosaurs to that of everyday objects, such as cars and buses.


Today your children were wonderful mathematicians and they managed to recreate a Brontosaurus outline on the playground blacktop.

Today was a very interesting day in Kindergarten. Your children learned about two very important topics: EASTER and DINOSAURS!!!

What do they have in common?


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting geared up for OMSI

The countdown is on. Soon we will be taking a field trip to OMSI! To see the dinosaur exhibit. So we are studying everything about dinosaurs. So far we have learned about tyrannosaurus rex and triceratops.
Next we will be learning more about different types of dinosaurs.
We are going to investigate what they eat and their size.

Making Eggs from Scratch

WOW! Today we had an amazing time creating paper mache eggs. With a lot of help from our big buddies we managed to make seven gigantic eggs!
When our big buddies arrived in class today we went straight to work dipping paper towels into a flour/plaster of Paris mixture. We spread the wet paper towel over big balloons to create the eggs. They are drying in class and as soon as they are dry we can move on to the next step, painting them!
Maybe dinosaurs will hatch from them? It was really messy and really fun.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Kindergartners and their big buddies came together today to help celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday! As part of National Read Across America week people young learners across America celebrated their love of books! Pay a visit to Seuss Ville and check out which Dr. Seuss books your child has read.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Right before our eyes!

Today was a very busy day.

When we arrived at school there were four chicks: two black and two yellow. We anticipated that the chick who hatched first would change color but in fact it stayed the dark color!

We put on our lab coats and worked with our partners to discover what animal eggs were hidden in the buckets. Your children were able to identify: ostrich, turtle, snail, duck, and dogfish eggs. They are so good at investigating.

The most beautiful thing happened right before lunch. A chick hatched right before our very eyes!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The time has come, the time is now!

Wow! This is so exciting!
Our chicks have started to hatch. This morning when we arrived at school one chick had already pecked it's way out of it's shell. The chick had spent about an hour pushing and peeping it's way out of the shell. Then exhausted the chick took a nap.
Your children made some great observations about the chick. They noticed that he was brown and not yellow. They also noticed that it was wet. Like the great scientists they are, they speculated that as it dried it would become yellow.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

When are the chicks going to hatch?

This is a question that has been on all of our minds. Your children have shown such patience waiting for the chicks to hatch. According to our chicken calendars the chicks should hatch March 4th.
A really good site to investigate how chicks hatch is at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry website.

Once the chicks have hatched your children will be creating a classroom story about the chicks' adventures in the classroom. I can hardly, wait!

Great things come in small packages

Great things come in small packages
Tiny Chicks