Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Welcome Young Biologists!

Animal Trading Card Project

Congratulations! You and your big buddy have been chosen as the newest members of our research team. Our research team is trying to figure out which animals lay eggs! We will be researching the following animals: amphibians, birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles.

You and your big buddy will choose a card. Each card relates to a animal group.
You and you big buddy will research a specific animal. You will use the information you find to make trading cards about the animals.

Look at the animals from the different groups: Tree frogs, Chickens, Crabs, Guppies, Slugs, Dolphins, Snakes, Toads, Ducks, Lobsters, Goldfish, Snails, Pigs, Turtles, Salamander, Robins, Crayfish, Trout, Grasshoppers, Horses, Lizards

Ctrl+Click the animals to go direct to the site or use one of the resources below-

Discovery for kids

Created By Ms. Gretchen Rowland 2008-02-17

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

As we dream

Our writing unit today focused on things that happen simultaneously, or at the same time. I introduced the topic by discussing what happened in my house while I was dreaming. I shared that while I was dreaming, of sculpting ice cream, my cat was playing with a pencil, my rabbit was ringing his bell, and the fish aquarium was gurgling. Then we read a wonderful story called, The Goldfish Yawned, by Elizabeth Sayles.

The Anatomy of Eggs

Today we continued our focus on eggs. Your children took another look at the book An Egg is Quiet, but today we focused on the anatomy of the egg. We identified parts of the egg: the yolk, albumen, shell, airsack, and protein cord. Your children identified the shapes they saw within eggs: ovals, circles, squiggles and crescents. They were able to create beautiful egg anatomy collages using these shapes and contrasting colors. If you get a chance you can show your children what happens when we boil eggs to different temperatures. Here is a link to an interesting website on chemistry and cooking-

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An Egg Is Quiet

This week your children have learned many things about eggs. They have learned that eggs come in many shapes and sizes. They have learned that many animals hatch from eggs including: slugs, snails, crabs, chickens, snakes, fish and even dinosaurs.

Your children are hatching chicks in our classroom too! The chicks should hatch in twenty-one days.

Please check out the incubator when you come in the class.

We love our Big Buddies!!!

Let me tell you why Wednesday is our favorite day of the week! Wednesday is the day that big buddies come down to spend a few minutes with us. We love our Big Buddies!!! Today, our big buddies joined us in the computer lab and we did some real research about the animals we have studied: slugs, snails, crabs, and chicks. Our big buddies were great. They helped us find the most interesting pictures of these animals. Near our book rack you will see photos of us working with our big buddies. Please come take a look!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Taming the Dragon

Today we read a charming story of a brave little mouse named Chopsticks who is able to set free a wooden dragon. Your children traced their hands and created scales for our own dragon which is hanging up in the classroom.

Great things come in small packages

Great things come in small packages
Tiny Chicks