Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A house for Hermit Crab

Today was a fascinating day! Your children collected and organized sea shells they found in the sand. We did not even go to the beach, the beach came to us!

We talked about the types of animals that live in shells and discovered that hermit crabs live in shells too! We read Eric Carle's story, A house for Hermit Crab, the story of a hermit crab who spends all year decorating his shell only to find out that he has out grown it! Your children discovered that hermit crabs really do move out of the shells when our hermit crab Smiley moved into his new shell this morning.
Eric Carle has a wonderful website you should visit it when you get a chance.
Our big buddies came in this afternoon and helped us find out facts about hermit crabs and sea life. We have so much fun when our big buddies come down to see us!
Please say hi to Smiley and Soccerball, our new classroom friends the next time you come into visit.

Great things come in small packages

Great things come in small packages
Tiny Chicks